Is time on the side of learning?The famous quaker William Penn once said when talking about timeOct 29, 2020Oct 29, 2020
Minimum viable experience and the challenge of going online in 20/21Our universities face a colossal and existential challenge about what to do for 20/21, what will the intake look like? What will the state…Apr 30, 2020Apr 30, 2020
OPMs, universities and 20/21There’s been much spoken about OPMs and UK universities in recent days, the fact is these partnerships have been growing in the UK, but…Apr 19, 2020Apr 19, 2020
It takes a village to move onlineBroadly speaking there’s a spectrum in online education which goes from a close replication of dry, traditional campus based teaching…Mar 10, 2020Mar 10, 2020
A tale of two campuses…It was Benjamin Franklin that said “an investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”Feb 20, 20201Feb 20, 20201
The divergence between digital and educationIf you work in a university and you read widely enough it can sometimes feel like universities are the piñata of public discourse…Feb 9, 2019Feb 9, 2019
Changing the conversation around videoAnd so the lecture capture debate keeps raging on in UK higher education fuelling a culture of distrust in universities that seems to have…Sep 25, 2018Sep 25, 2018
Time to get innovative with digital learning environmentsFor those working in higher education, the virtual learning environment (VLE) holds the position of centrality over all other education…Sep 14, 2018Sep 14, 2018